I really love playing games with my family. And not just any games, but those really long boring games that take forever to play. It all started with Settlers of Catan, then moved on to Cities and Knights, and has continued with all sorts of the same…..Ticket to Ride, Power Grid, etc. Well, I lose these games on a regular basis. Actually, I ALWAYS lose. And as much as I like to play, it does start to get a bit tiring spending 3 hours in a game that I know I’ll lose. Well folks, all that has changed thanks to AGRICOLA!!! I’ve played 3 times and won 3 times. :) I recommend it to any of you losers out there.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Happy St. Patty’s day
For me, this is one of the greatest holiday’s of the year. My brother and I would always make the most amazing trap to catch a leprechaun, and each and every year we caught one. So of course the tradition must be passed along. This is how it works. You dig a hole big enough for a leprechaun to fall in, then you cover the trap with twigs and grass to camouflage it. Next you wait, that’s always the hardest part. And if you’re lucky enough to catch one, he’ll usually have to leave his bag of gold in order to get out of the trap. Trust me, it works like a charm!
The kids enjoying a green lunch. And waiting! Ooooo, looks like we caught one.
Here we are showing off our gold! YEAH!
Find a new park and have a picnic
It was a beautiful sunny day in Oregon in February (which doesn’t happen where I grew up) so the family and I decided to work a bit on our live list.
We had so much fun exploring our new park we found and it made for a most pleasant Saturday afternoon. I’ll for sure be doing this one again!
I sure do love my little family