I'm up late tonight because of the news that Jake and I found out. We're having another baby. I know it's too crazy to believe, I can't believe it myself, but it's true. I just haven't been feeling like myself latley, so I took a test and it's positive. What an adventure #3 will be. Wish us luck!!
Oh man, I feel sick just joking about it! : )
You are too good. I was about to say congrats till I got to the bottom. I was totally thinking of doing this same thing like 10 minutes ago, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Especially since my little one is only 7 months...I didn't want to jinx myself or something. I would die. Thanks for the laugh. Oh, and great title!!!
You are such a punk. I actually bought it!
i was so excited for a minute!
This was good Stephanie. What kind of April Fools prank can we play on the girls tonight? I just saw on my friend Kelly's blog one about replacing the white cream between oreos with plain white toothpaste. We could put a bunch of those on a plate for snack!
Oh you are good. I was about to write this huge congratulations. Happy April Fools.
Oh, that's the oldest trick in the book! But I actually fell for it. Good one.
Holy crap. I couldn't believe you because you just look too dang good. (I, for one, turn a mysterious shade of light green during that first trimester.)
Remind me when singing class starts???
So help me if I find out that you are pregnant through your blog!
that was good! i fell for it! you should have waited until tomorrow to say april fool's!
Wow, you had me there! Happy April Fool's Day!
You are too funny! That is awesome! I have never done anything for April fools, I have to admit you had me convinced, but then I couldn't figure out why there was all of this empty space on your blog. Awesome!
Sarah had to text me and tell me to look at this again. I had no idea. I've told Spencer and we were already working things out for me to come visit after your baby was born. Sarah and I had a whole conversation about how our kids would be so close together and you'll have this big family now. I can't believe it. I'm actually pretty sad that you're not actually pregnant. I was however mad that I found out on your blog. You're such a punk. I can't believe I didn't realize the date.
Okay...so I thought something was wrong with the page loading. I wanted to say Congrats but there was no comment box....then I realized I needed to scroll down. You got me. I guess if I was reading blogs more regularly I might have caught on to the date!
You ARE sick, but funny :)
I almost jumped off the couch to call you and congratulate you (or commiserate with you) YOU BRAT!
I fell for it!
Wow, I am soooo glad I scanned down the page. You would have been grounded for life if I had not known for 9 days you were have another grandchild and everyone else in the world knew. Good one.
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