Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Poor Bird

This poor bird has spent the last 2 days banging it's poor little beak against my window. And as much as I try and scare the poor little fellow away, he contines to repeat his, what I now consider, suicidal attempts. I added some food to my makeshift birdfeeders in hopes that other birds will flock around him and help the poor soul out, but who knows. Even at this very moment as I type, he's banging his poor little wings and feet in attemt to break through the window. And when he's not at that, he just sits on the branch and stares at me with those poor beady little eyes. Keep this poor little bird in your thoughts today, because I'm not sure he's going to be around tomorrow. Poor bird.

Okay, and just a note on the video, I choose this one because it displays my preshool bird feeders so well, and because of Sagie's burp at the beginning. It's hilarious! Listen for it. And and you can hear the bird chirp too.


Bridget said...

Oh, what a very sad bird. I wonder why drives birds to suicide. :)

The burp was very cute!

Elizabeth Dimit said...

I love baby burps (dry ones, that is). I hope the bird gets a clue.

Merilee said...

There seems to be a lot of suicidal birds around these parts.

Merilee said...

I think it's the dark cloudy skies!

Anonymous said...

i bet it is because you have amazingly clean windows, so he just thinks he can fly right over to you--then upon knocking himself into the window he gives himself "bird amnesia" and forgets that he has already tried and continues this sad cycle.

good luck to you and the bird!

janine said...

I love everything about this post.

janine said...

I love everything about this post.

Heidi said...

I'm telling you, just take the screen out and welcome him into your home. He just sees how much fun you're having and wants so bad to be part of it all!

mahina said...

you're very kind about this bird. we've had some very ANNOYING birds and i don't have sweet, good feelings for them! 5:30 in the morning, woodpecker pecking on the metal gutter outside our master bedroom window! talk about driving a person insane! i don't think "poor bird" i think "where's the pellet gun!?"

different bird, different day pecking on the kick plate on our front door at 6:00 in the morning! way can't these birds choose a better hour to do it? if they're going to do it, at least do it when we are already awake!!

sorry, can you tell i'm a bit irritated about our birds?

JackieSue said...

I'd have to fully agree with Danielle's comment!!!! And although I've had my I hate birds moments, and yes they are always when I'm sleeping...(banging on the window helps a lot! or walking out there and throwing acorns at them.)
The burp cracked me up!! And I still can't quite figure out what that bird was doing. Was he jumping from feeder to feeder? It's almost like he was saying, this bird seed sucks, can you get a new kind lady.

Lisa P said...

If the bird is still alive tomorrow, try hanging some kind of frightening stuffed animal from the ceiling or window frame so maybe it will scare him away. Or tape something to the window. Freddy Kruger?

brenda said...

I think it has brain damage.

Do you want to borrow our plastic owl? It worked for us.