Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Everyday happenings

Sage talks in a British accent when she plays pretend.  I love it.

Hazel is just weeks away from her first birthday.  It makes me want to cry.

Jaxon can READ!  It’s been amazing to see my sons world open to these magical letters on a page.  It makes me anxious to teach Sage. 

         IMG_0198                   (Everyday moment in our home)

Sage can ride her bike with no training wheels.  It took her literally 30 seconds of Jake holding on to the back of her bike before she was on her own.  It took Jaxon 2 miles.   She’ll be our little athlete for sure.

Hazel took her first step on Sunday, April 17th.  It was sort of an accidental step, but a step non the less.  Jake is determined to have her walking before her birthday….I just want her to STOP growing all together. 


Jaxon has class pictures yesterday, and I forgot.  His hair was more than slightly crazy, and was made worse by the helmet head he got from riding his bike to school.  I had to run home to get his picture packet, and by the time I got back to his classroom, someone has fixed his hair.  I’m that parent- the neglectful, send your kid to class pictures looking like a homeless child, (his pants had a giant tear in them (didn’t notice until I was dropping him off)) parent.  Oh well, at least I’m honest with myself.


Sage and Jaxon have been playing SO well together.  She’ll play Star Wars, and he’ll play with babies.  She’ll do Legos, and he’s happy to play Hello Kitty.  And they can create all sorts of adventure together in the back yard.  I love them both desperately for it.

All three kids are sleeping in the same room right now, and it’s been working out surprisingly well.  So now I have an always empty guest room that’s begging for visitors.

I’ve been sewing these past few days, and I’m thinking I may have caught the bug.  With all the easy, cute tutorials on the internet, it’s hard not too.  It also helps that I have inspiring friends.  Here’s the skirt I made Sage.  I love the owls.  And yes, she’s playing the Xbox….how else I’m I supposed to blog?


Hazel has new tricks since that last post.  She gives kisses, waves bye bye, and shakes her head no with a huge smile whenever she’s doing something naughty. 

Me and the kids planted a garden last Saturday.  Now I stress all day when it’s not covered in sunshine.  My father has such a green thumb, and I’m praying I’ve somehow inherited it.


We went on a weeklong trip through Montana at the beginning of this month looking for possible jobs.  Montana is beautiful.  Just amazing.  After 24+ hours of driving in the car, and Hazel hating 20+ hours of it, I was happy to be home though.  I’m not sure that we’ll end up living in Montana, but you can bet it will be a favorite vacation spot.  We especially loved the carousel in Missoula.P4040182

I didn’t take this picture, but it certainly captures the insane beauty of the placeimage

It’s this little girls birthday next week, and it kills me that I won’t be there to make her a cake with some sort of bug on it.  Looks like it was butterflies this year, and spiders last year.  Holly, keep checking the mail for a present from us!!


I’m loving this spring weather, and all the new flowers and blossoms.  It just makes me cheerful, you know?  Life if good, and I am blessed.

The end

Friday, April 15, 2011

Old photos revisited

I can take pictures on my video camera, and I just put them all on the computer today.  Here are some of my favorites.

Check out the size of this apple!!!  It was nearly the size of her head.  IMG_0142IMG_0144

Jaxon giving Sage a makeover.  I was happy I caught this moment without them noticing.  Jaxon has got to be the best big brother ever!IMG_0160

Jaxon was posing for his first day of school.  I can’t believe he’s almost done with Kindergarten.  Seriously, where did this year go?


This is Sticker.  Isn’t he cute?  He’s our poor little gecko that died.  This was him in his better days.  We sure loved this little guy.  RIP StickerIMG_0165IMG_0166

I love this picture of the kids shucking corn with Nana and Papa.  Makes me excited for those sunny, hot, corn filled days to come.IMG_0169

Cousins Hazel and Ava.  That second one of Hazel just cracks me up.  I can’t wait for these two little girls to become best friends.


We put curlers in Rapunzel's hair one morning.  Sage wanted her princesses to have pretty curled hair like she did.  It didn’t work, by the way.  I was tempted to use a little product and try again.  Let’ s be honest, this game was probably more fun for me then it was for her.


And last but not least, for dinner on Tuesday we had quesadillas.  The kids made cheese men while they ate.  Jaxon’s is holding a light saber.  I’m okay with my kids playing with their food if they are this creative!IMG_0192


Hazel turned 11 months old yesterday, and she is learning new things every day.  Here are some of her cutest tricks.

Any time she finds a phone she knows just what to do.  She say’s hi, hi, hi, over and over again with a big smile.  It’s adorable.  She’ll also say hi to anyone who says it first.  So next time you see Hazel, make sure to say hello!


This trick is fairly new.  It’s one that I’ve made sure all my kids mastered though.  A  favorite for sure. 

soo big

She is also awesome on her walker, and just started standing on her own.  She refuses to eat baby food anymore, and has four little teeth.  She is still the best little baby, except for the fact that she keeps getting bigger despite my telling her to stop 10x a day.  Disobedient little cutie.